Xhorse Condor XC-MINI cut Nissan NSN14 key

Here is the instruction on cutting Nissan NSN14 key with original Xhorse Condor XC-MINI automotive key cutting machine.
There are 3 ways to make keys with Condor MINI key cutting machine. Here adapts the 3rd way: “Cut by Bitting” with an existing the original key.
Power on the machine
Select “Cut by Bitting
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Select the Blank key “NSN14”, Press “Confirm
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Select key type and confirm
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Click on “Key Decode” button. The found bitting and Clamp M1 to be used will display on the screen, Click on “Confirm
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Verify bitting and modify bitting, click “Cut
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Start key cutting
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Change the key
Put a new Blank Key in the proper position of the clamp.
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Press “Direct processing
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Cut key in progress
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Take out the new key
Compare original key and new key. The left one is the new key, it is a little different in size, it works.
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Test the new key.
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Sales keycuttingmachine.org